Turn-key indoor and outdoor power solutions for both off-grid and grid connected sites.
Unique, in-house developed outdoor power systems with patented, 100% maintenance-free cooling technology - Coolflow™.
Industrial award for fastest Return on Investment for a DG replacement application.
Telecom rectifiers
19" rack-mount -
R-Force RS
Modular rectifier systems
19" cabinets with integrated modular rectifier system -
Defender I
Modular on-line UPS for indoor applications
On-line VFI UPS with double conversion and galvanic isolation -
Turn-key outdoor power solution for grid connected and off-grid applications
Maximized OPEX reduction and fast RoI -
CoolRack series
Outdoor cabinets with A/C
Active cooling and heating -
CoolFlow series
Outdoor cabinets with Coolflow heat exchange
In-house developed heat exchange technology for optimized performance